Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Style Tuesday: VANS Ads for Girls

So what do you guys think of the new advertisements for VANS...honestly my opinion not so great, actually I hate it. I hate it not because its not me on it, I just don't think this style fits Vans. I know its' conforming to the realities of a materialistic world that shouldn't exist. This isn't Vans and girls that look at this oh this is cool, I'd so wear that, but what about girls that are actually are physical and not posing for a stupid camera which by the way the model is so happy because she just got paid. Does she really care? Normally I talk good about things like this, but c'mon its not working for me at all.  I envisioned something more like this:

You see what I mean this to me is sellin it!!!!!!!! Call it "hatin", but it would be nice to see something for a change. I mean why cant we advertise to these kinds of girls because they actually wear the shoes!!!! Ok so I'm taking it too serious, but I feel these girls in this day in age are deprived of the truth, the truth is PHOTOSHOP! LOL. Well, whatever Vans next move is I hope they remember of the little people that actually generate their sales.

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