Friday, April 13, 2012

Throwback Fridays

What ever happened to those fun and crazy shows on Nickelodeon? I was searching through them the other day on YouTube, and I could not believe the amount of programs that I so miss to this day. I chose three of my favorite shows that influenced me growing up. I look at TV now a days, and its real garbage to say the truth and I know that everyone can agree with me on this one. The first clip is from the show LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE, first of all when I saw this show in 1998 and comparing it to shows now, its beyond me. I didn't realize that Nickelodeon was trying to teach us World History the whole time.

Moving on, now we know is  Melissa Joan Hart, not from Sabrina the Teenage Witch but from CLARISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL. Now I really love this girl, I looked so much up to her because I hate boys and she was definitely anti-boys well just her brother! She depicted the stress of a young girl going through weird awkward moments with boys, parents, schools, and again the occasionally  annoying brother! She reminded me that in the end its all about being yourself she was a real role model to that young generation of growing girls, now its completely based on materialistic things, and looking skinny, no inch of consideration for these girls, now its social media and using it to bully others. I feel like time should stop for a moment when we can appreciate shows like this.
And last but not least my other favorite show on Nickelodeon was ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? Let me tell you not a good idea to watch this on a school night, because it scared the hell out of me when I wa young, the stories were crazy and the end was the scariest part, the silence of a cliffhanger coming on. These kids defintely had the balls to do this sort of thing all the time, I mean who wouldnt get scared when you're in a group all by yourself, with not even a blanket to hold onto. Whoa did I just say that, ok maybe I'm liking it too much. Enjoy!!!!!!!

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