Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday's Graff Days

Who doesn't love Graff, I do. It gives us inspiration to all us that love to express themselves with art, type, and visuals, kind of like advertsing but for the urban couture you could say. In this video we are introduced into the lives of local famous artists from Cali, Vans the Omega & Sofles which  are just some of the members in the crew called MSK also known as MAD SOCIETY KINGS! pretty catchy. They go all around the world and are commissioned to paint murals for businesses or sometimes for illegal fun. Call it  the modern day painters from the Renaissance era, not exactly Michaelangelo Catherdral stuff, but close. Check these guys out and thier store, THE SEVENTH LETTER! Awesome, trendy, Cali gear for men and women.

VANS the OMEGA & SOFLES x IRONLAK. from Ironlak on Vimeo.

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