Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shepard Fairey: Printing "Harmony & Discord" at Pace Prints

Shepard Fairey spent several weeks in New York in July 2011 and February 2012, creating and printing the works for his forthcoming exhibition at Pace Prints. In this video, he discusses the ideas behind the works and the printmaking processes that he used. All the works were created at the Pace Paper studio and Watanabe Press in Brooklyn.

The exhibition "Harmony & Discord" opens Saturday May 5 at Pace Prints, 521 West 26th Street, New York. For more information, visit http://www.paceprints.com/shepardfairey

His art work is amazing he really tried to break the boundaries of old school pop art and merge it with the modern street art. His work is also known to be a sell out because he does some illegal stencils but is famous and in the graffiti scene it's known to be a sell out.  But he clearly states that he is not trying to be that graffiti artist per say, but the streets of New York did influence him on his work. His work has been also seen in last several years of Art Basel in The Wynwood district.

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