Tuesday, June 5, 2012
What Is Your Social Responsibility
I love everything this vidoe has to say bout us and how we should treat other. This iveod is a pure example of what qwe don't do in our daily lives; helpothers. There is really nothing more to say about this video but wow!!!!
TheSeventhLetter Revok, Rime & Roids Cross Country
My love for graffiti never stops and I don't think it ever will. These infamous group of guys are part of an infamous crew called MSK who have created a huge brand for themselves called The Seventh Letter, referring to thier styles and tricks of the card when it comes to graffiti. This video they show that creating art for the art world is not as easy as it look, seriously! These guys go cross country to promote and sell thier canvases to LA, that's real dedication folks, I think we all need some of that juice in our lives. But anyway this video is so free and liberating and funny that I freaking love it! Check it out !
Mermaids | Sunday May 27 @ 9pm *
This past memorial day weekend, while everyone was enjoying their time off, I was seeing more interesting stuff like watching Animal Planet. On thier segment of Monster Week, I came across a late night re-run of the spectacular movie Mermaid: The Body Found. Let me tell you folks this movie is as real as it gets, I cried, I awed, I smiled, I was scared, really had a play on my feelings and emotions. I loved every second of it, puts everything into play about the folktales of mermaids. Fishermens coming out with their experience and talking about what they saw that no one believed. Enjoy it, its a real treat!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Study: Sugar in Processed Foods Make You Dumber | The Vigilant Citizen
Study: Sugar in Processed Foods Make You Dumber | The Vigilant Citizen
This article talks about the real danger and side effects ofd High fructose corn syrup, those commercials explaining otherwise are telling lies.
This article talks about the real danger and side effects ofd High fructose corn syrup, those commercials explaining otherwise are telling lies.
Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money
A very beautiful and talented woman died at the age of 63 in her Florida residence, after battling cancer for many years. She has been an inspiration and the voice of many women throughout the world. Listening to her songs, my all-time favorite song has always been "She Works Hard For the Money". This song epitomizes the everyday stuggle a woman has to endure and at the same time give up what she loves to do, and in this case its dancing. She's working two jobs with two bratty kids that symbolizes the ideals and traditions of the american family with one parent, this is considered art because one can relate to this subject matter and get the sensation of going through similar adjustments in life. I really enjoy her and her videos she is definitely a one-of-a-kind package that should be showcased for our younger generation today.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
BOA: The Fashionable Organic Clothing Store
Fashion with a conscience. BOA is made using only 100% Organic Cotton,Natural or Vegan Fabrics. They use Green Packaging, partner with local craftspeople, farmers, and artists to produce outstanding products. Every piece in the line is lovingly made. are a family-run business and practice Ethical Business at every step of the process.
In their about section you are able to see the kind of genuine people they are, and its a family run business which I think are the best businesses around, I believe because they specialize in what they do specifically and I think thats really artistic and creative. Check out their website it is incredible and I gurantee you will fall in love with this new way of transcending in Fashion, the right way.
"We are Cristina and Sara, mother and daughter, the
founders of BOA—the first Eco and Ethical lifestyle brand established in
Morocco. Before creating BOA, we were discouraged by the lack of
affordable, high-quality, and eco-friendly fashion available. We wanted
ethical-fashion chic enough to wear anywhere—work, out to lunch, Yoga--or
perhaps a last-minute flight to the St. Barth (let's go!). We wanted comfort
without compromise. And of course, we wanted style!We live in Casablanca,
Morocco—but are Italians by nature.These two countries are reflected in every aspect of the
BOA lines: from our design inspirations and color palettes to the high quality
standard and authentic materials we use in making our garments. As women dedicated to supporting change, we wanted to
produce each and every one of our pieces ethically. As a result, we have moved
all production of BOA products out of factories and into our Women’s Cooperative
established here in Casablanca, the ‘Cotton Blossom.’ This decision allowed us
to embrace our vision and support economic growth and the empowerment of women
"BOA was born because we refused to compromise style or
ethics —and with BOA, neither do you."
From Africa with
Cristina and Sara
Cristina and Sara
Oreo Fudge Cremes Commercial Indescribably Good!
So the other day as I was watching t.v., I came across this commercial that Oreos came out with the Fugde and Creme in the center, so delicious by the way. I had to see for real if they were as good as the commerical depicts it. And behold it did, this commerical is funny simple and straight to the point, my favorite one obvously "Shut the front door", classic could not get any better than this commercial!
I love it so much, because its as real as it get could get, meaning that this is the modern family today versus 30 years ago it focused more on family ideals and morals, very cliche' you could say. The commercial is as literal as its tag line "Indescribably Good", the kids wait until the father tries it, and they all start the domino affect of not being able to describe how good this is. The grandfather cracks me up when he says "Franklin Delano" which is a little stereotypical since our grandparents are old-school and more proper, but it's cute at the same time!
Shepard Fairey: Printing "Harmony & Discord" at Pace Prints
Shepard Fairey spent several weeks in New York in July 2011 and February 2012, creating and printing the works for his forthcoming exhibition at Pace Prints. In this video, he discusses the ideas behind the works and the printmaking processes that he used. All the works were created at the Pace Paper studio and Watanabe Press in Brooklyn.
The exhibition "Harmony & Discord" opens Saturday May 5 at Pace Prints, 521 West 26th Street, New York. For more information, visit http://www.paceprints.com/shepardfairey
His art work is amazing he really tried to break the boundaries of old school pop art and merge it with the modern street art. His work is also known to be a sell out because he does some illegal stencils but is famous and in the graffiti scene it's known to be a sell out. But he clearly states that he is not trying to be that graffiti artist per say, but the streets of New York did influence him on his work. His work has been also seen in last several years of Art Basel in The Wynwood district.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Christo and Jean-Claude
In the 1980s, Miami became one of the ideal places to visit, the best vacation homes, and tiny little islands where you could drink and have a good time with friends and family. Artists Christo and Jean-Claude are renown new realist artists from Paris. They first started their production in the 1970s and did amazing work all over the world. People say its just wrapping but its a a little deeper than what you see on the surface area. So what they did here on these islands was incredible, they wrapped with fabric all around the tiny islands, but before they did that. they obviously had to take dimensions it not a one man team. What they found completely stunned them, refrigerators, bottles, all the imaginable garbage was found there. They took initiative and blocked it off, how crazy is that. But the picture symbolizes how crazy people got when they were on their boats and couldn't get access to these islands to have a good time, they didn't get it. But the point was made, when you abuse of what nature gives you, do your part and give back. But never less check out their work its amazing!!!!! Christo and Jean-Claude
So on April 30th on a Monday night I saw the world premiere of the new series "The Pitch", now it may not exactly reflect the way advertising is for everyone in the field, but it does come pretty close. I think as a student majoring in Advertising, you kind of have to see the situation worst-case. When I saw the two hour premiere I nearly flipped my wig, I honestly felt this was the right job for me. We think that what they teach us in school is bogus, but guess what IT'S NOT, IT IS THE REAL DEAL! I can't tell you too much about what's going on with the show, but I can tell you, you'll have your heart in your stomach, pretty intense stuff folks! Please tune in to AMC's The Pitch every monday nights at 10/9c to catch the show, it's so worth it.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
1 Billion People Participate in Earth Day in 192 Countries | Earth Day Network
More than one billion people in 192 countries took part in the 42nd Anniversary of Earth Day. From Cairo to Beijing, Melbourne to Rome, Rio to St. Louis, communities everywhere stood united in their effort to Mobilize the Earth™.
In Iraq, the Ministry of the Education sent Earth Day materials to schools around the country and engaged more than 1 million students in 3,000 schools in Earth Day activities.
In Seoul, South Korea, a local organization mobilized the community gathered to learn about environmental issues and perform acts of environmental service.
In Boujaad, Morroco, a local group of students organized a trash clean up and tree planting to help green their community.
In Salangor, Malayasia, hundreds of people removed debris and litter from a local waterfall in an effort to restore and preserve their natural environment.
In Washington, DC, thousands gathered for the flagship Earth Day event that featured prominent civic leaders, environmental activists, celebrities, and musical acts.
Globally, more than 56,000 university students rallied their campuses in honor of Earth Day to take action and call for a sustainable future. Thousands of faith leaders challenged their communities to become better stewards of the planet. Tens of thousands of schools organized educational activities for kids, and over six hundred elected officials voiced the support for the planet by attending local Earth Day events.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Style Tuesday: VANS Ads for Girls
So what do you guys think of the new advertisements for VANS...honestly my opinion not so great, actually I hate it. I hate it not because its not me on it, I just don't think this style fits Vans. I know its' conforming to the realities of a materialistic world that shouldn't exist. This isn't Vans and girls that look at this oh this is cool, I'd so wear that, but what about girls that are actually are physical and not posing for a stupid camera which by the way the model is so happy because she just got paid. Does she really care? Normally I talk good about things like this, but c'mon its not working for me at all. I envisioned something more like this:
You see what I mean this to me is sellin it!!!!!!!! Call it "hatin", but it would be nice to see something for a change. I mean why cant we advertise to these kinds of girls because they actually wear the shoes!!!! Ok so I'm taking it too serious, but I feel these girls in this day in age are deprived of the truth, the truth is PHOTOSHOP! LOL. Well, whatever Vans next move is I hope they remember of the little people that actually generate their sales.
You see what I mean this to me is sellin it!!!!!!!! Call it "hatin", but it would be nice to see something for a change. I mean why cant we advertise to these kinds of girls because they actually wear the shoes!!!! Ok so I'm taking it too serious, but I feel these girls in this day in age are deprived of the truth, the truth is PHOTOSHOP! LOL. Well, whatever Vans next move is I hope they remember of the little people that actually generate their sales.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Throwback Fridays
What ever happened to those fun and crazy shows on Nickelodeon? I was searching through them the other day on YouTube, and I could not believe the amount of programs that I so miss to this day. I chose three of my favorite shows that influenced me growing up. I look at TV now a days, and its real garbage to say the truth and I know that everyone can agree with me on this one. The first clip is from the show LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE, first of all when I saw this show in 1998 and comparing it to shows now, its beyond me. I didn't realize that Nickelodeon was trying to teach us World History the whole time.
Moving on, now we know is Melissa Joan Hart, not from Sabrina the Teenage Witch but from CLARISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL. Now I really love this girl, I looked so much up to her because I hate boys and she was definitely anti-boys well just her brother! She depicted the stress of a young girl going through weird awkward moments with boys, parents, schools, and again the occasionally annoying brother! She reminded me that in the end its all about being yourself she was a real role model to that young generation of growing girls, now its completely based on materialistic things, and looking skinny, no inch of consideration for these girls, now its social media and using it to bully others. I feel like time should stop for a moment when we can appreciate shows like this.
And last but not least my other favorite show on Nickelodeon was ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? Let me tell you not a good idea to watch this on a school night, because it scared the hell out of me when I wa young, the stories were crazy and the end was the scariest part, the silence of a cliffhanger coming on. These kids defintely had the balls to do this sort of thing all the time, I mean who wouldnt get scared when you're in a group all by yourself, with not even a blanket to hold onto. Whoa did I just say that, ok maybe I'm liking it too much. Enjoy!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Style Tuesdays: The Seventh Letter
So Clearly after speaking about The Seventh Letter gear, in the end who are these guys? Not all from Cali, The Seventh Letter is an entrepreneul idea that became an extension to their graffiti, every graff rider usually has a clothing line, and in their case its pretty successful. They are slowly expanding in to other major cities around the world, but for now they are staying in their hometown of L.A. where it all started. Here's a video of a day in the life of one of these guys life, more specifically the renown miami born and raised REVOK
EIKNARF Presents: "Revok: On The Run" from EIKNARF on Vimeo.
Tuesday's Graff Days
Who doesn't love Graff, I do. It gives us inspiration to all us that love to express themselves with art, type, and visuals, kind of like advertsing but for the urban couture you could say. In this video we are introduced into the lives of local famous artists from Cali, Vans the Omega & Sofles which are just some of the members in the crew called MSK also known as MAD SOCIETY KINGS! pretty catchy. They go all around the world and are commissioned to paint murals for businesses or sometimes for illegal fun. Call it the modern day painters from the Renaissance era, not exactly Michaelangelo Catherdral stuff, but close. Check these guys out and thier store, THE SEVENTH LETTER! Awesome, trendy, Cali gear for men and women.
VANS the OMEGA & SOFLES x IRONLAK. from Ironlak on Vimeo.
VANS the OMEGA & SOFLES x IRONLAK. from Ironlak on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Dubstep: The New Music Movement
I first was introduced to dub step from listening to Pandora inspired from Nero, Benny Benassi, Joker, and so much more. This movement has been in the UK for quite some time starting in the year 2000 and has integrated its' influences to the US. Here's a clip of one of my favorite songs; Magnetic Man ft. Katy B-Crossover. Just make sure you hear the real experience at 720p (the highest quality sound).
Artist of the Day: David Choe
David Choe is if not hands down is one of my favorite artists from L.A. doing the Visual Arts thing. In this video he paints a couple of posters for Danny Trejo: The Iconic vampire From Dusk T'ill Dawn and Protagonists from the movie Machete featuring Jessica Alba, Chuch, and Steven Seagal. He gives us an insight to how he starts his project and a little about himself. Check the video out and there will more to come. To know more about David Choe and to see more of his artwork go to his website.
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